CFNR Transport reviews one year of operation of the Rhine Port of Colmar Neuf-Brisach

Since 1 April 2021, CFNR Transport SAS, a subsidiary of the Rhenus Group, has been managing the SEMOP (operating company) of the Rhine Port of Colmar Neuf-Brisach. After one year of operation of the industrial port zone, a first assessment can be made and some projects announced.

For a period of thirty years from 1 April 2021, the operations of the Rhine Port of Colmar Neuf-Brisach have been entrusted to a SEMOP (Société d’Economie Mixte à Opération Unique), the capital of which is held 51 per cent by the Rhenus Group subsidiary CFNR Transport SAS, 34 per cent by the SMO and 15 per cent by the Banque des Territoires.

Jean-Marc Thomas, Managing Director of CFNR Transport SAS and of the SEMOP, looks back on the first year of operation: “The new governance has been implemented without difficulty and allows us to be confident about the future. As part of the planned investment programme, we have already set up an external storage area of 8,500 square meters and deployed a new IT management system.” Port traffic, consisting mainly of metallurgical products, minerals, construction materials and foodstuffs, has remained stable over the past year.

In the course of 2022, the SEMOP will acquire six wagons for the rail transfer within the industrial port zone and will renovate its administrative building. As regards the development of the EcoRhena ZAC business park, along the Alsace canal, the prefectural decree has been published and the first analyses and studies will begin shortly. Together with the local authorities and citizens’ associations, the economic zone will be developed by the SEMOP in order to offer investors pieces of land alongside the quay for commercial and logistics activities.

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