Reorganization CFNR Transport SAS

After two years of activity, CFNR Transport is rebuilding its network to ensure its customers the best logistics services.
Therefore we inform you that the agency CFNR Reims has been closed the 07/01/2017 and the logistics services have been transferred as follows:

–          River transport has been transferred to the agency CFNR Sens in order to gather all the activities and share the capacities adapted to this market and the Seine basin.

–          Road transport has been transferred to the company MALISAN SA, in Val-de-Vesle. The company will rely on more operational capacities with an appropriate vehicle fleet.

CFNR Transport’s network is now organized as follows:

  • Uckange : Moselle, Sarre basins from/to the northern maritime ports
  • Kehl-Strasbourg: Upper Rhine, Main and Neckar basins and Switzerland
  • Dunkirk : Escaut basin, Canal du Nord and Freycinet networks
  • Sens : Seine basin, Canal du Nord and Freycinet networks
  • Antwerp : Belgium and Maas basin

We are certain that this new scheme will maintain the same quality and expertise that you are used to and expecting from our services.


For more information:

Tel : +33 3 82 86 55 20

E-mail : in*************